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For Lois I think stuffing will look good with her with maybe her in denial about how much she's actually eating. Right now I have 6 thumbnails here for her but I may cut it down to 5 panels. With how close Lois and Miia both came to 1st place I'm going to even out their rewards. 

My goal is to have Lois Lane's rewards done by Friday the 25th. 

As for Miia I'm thinking vore or vore + weight gain, with her getting jealous of the other monster girls around her. I'm just wondering how she'll try and excuse this new diet. 

I plan to have Miia's rewards ready to share early on Thursday 31st. 

Now onto Mirko's WIP in a few moments! 

These are works in progress and are subject to change.




Love Lois and think no digesting of food and have a big belly would be a nice end As for miia love the vore theme you got but a lot of people do digestion. Maybe you can transfer all the prey into her tail belly but now she can’t move as too heavy