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August's round 2 poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. All bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!  

1st: Miia [Monster Musume] (176 votes!) 

2nd: Lois Lane [My Adventures with Superman] (170 votes!) 

3rd:  Dva [Overwatch] (90 votes) 

4th:  Mirko [My Hero Academia] (79 votes) 

5th:  Raiden Shogun [Genshin Impact] (71 votes)

It was a real neck and neck... or more accurately tum and tum race for 1st place this month! This means based on their placement Miia will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence and for how close Lois Lane came a 5-6 panel sequence with maybe a mini panel in place of one regular panel and Dva a 2-3 panel sequence with Mirko and Raiden being drawn as color sketches + mini panels!

In addition to August's 5 winners I'll be doing between 5-9~ runner up sketches for some of the women who didn't win this month. I aim to have those completed and ready to share tomorrow evening.

But when it comes to this month's winners I have a few initial ideas.

For Miia I'm thinking vore or maybe vore + weight gain for her main rewards. She is half snake and there is a competing harem of tasty monster girls too snack on. Though I'll have to look into her personality to see how she would go about this, or if it would be totally accidental. 

For Lois I'm leaning towards vanilla stuffing or maybe stuffing plus weight gain for her main sequence. I'll have to watch a bit more of the show to hone in on what kind of food she'd like to eat and how she'd react.

For Dva I'm thinking anything could work for her and it'll be relative to what I pick for the other 4 winners this month. I'm currently leaning towards weight gain with both her Overwatch 1 and 2 designs featured.

Then for Mirko I'm thinking vore, she is a tough hero with sharp chompers and a strong stomach best put to use on bad guys. Then for Raiden while I don't know much about her I'm favoring either stuffing or weight gain for her rewards. 

So those are my initial thoughts for what to do with this month's rewards and I'm always interested to hear your input on any and all winners. I'll be doing more research and preliminary sketches before finalizing what to do with each woman.

And a big thank you to everyone who participated! I will start working on this month's winners after I complete the last few Patron sketches for July, this month's Runner Up Sketches tomorrow and something for vore day within the next couple of days. I will have both WIPs for Dva and Raiden ready to share this Wednesday the 9th followed by the first batch of Full Combo sketches on Friday the 11th. 

That's all the news for this steamy Saturday. I hope you have a great rest of your day and I'll be back tomorrow with this month's runner up sketches for you!



Miia's a natural for vore - She's definitely the clingy, jealous type who would "get rid of" the competition, however that might be


I could Miia eating all the other girls and becoming huuuuge

Son Kibiro

Miia is essentially what you get when you have a Yandere who's also an extrovert. she'd eat everyone including the 2 kaiju girls in the show if it means she can be the one her lover marries. Even to the point of where she even suggests doing so in the manga which MC responds "THIS IS A VORE FREE HOUSEHOLD!" and she just kinda smiles at the camera. (it's never followed up on tho sadly.) but yeah Miia honestly should have a bigger bump than even your Kobayashi double vore Masterpiece. Ultimately it's up to you of course, but if any character deserved to be even bigger it'd be Miia. (or someone like Monna from Dragon Ball Super but obviously that's for another time.)