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Here are 9 runner up sketches featuring women from July's round 1 poll for you! 

For this batch the first 7 placed 6th thru 12th and the final 2 I wanted to draw regardless of their placement.

These sketches in that order are: Vex'ahlia triggering an instant gravid-ity trap, Go Go Tomago with an ambiguously large and noisy belly in her hero outfit, Rosa from Pokemon pondering where her triple course meal will end up, Ishtar showing off her secret to eternal beauty, Nyx sporting a very gravid goddess belly, Anne Weying questioning her symbiotic eating habits, Maya Fey just realizing that empty calories are actually very fattening, Jade from Dragon Quest using one her best moves and finally Penny from Fortnite doing the toasty emote with no intention of sharing.

