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Hey everyone I hope you had a great weekend, I'm here with a rough & belated Halloween color sketch. It's my favorite holiday so I always love to draw something for the occasion. Can you guess where Ember's costume is from? Hard mode: Cinder's too. 

But in reality this is all a ploy to announce a small lore update! I've decided that Cinder's primary motivation going forward is that she enjoys being shamed; both first and second hand. I feel like this is a much better motivator for her as it allows her to fatten up Ember and/or have her work out in public as well as play into a bunch of Cinder belly art ideas.

Also included is a vore alt after Ember confronted some fellow Trick Or Treaters, probably over one of those giant "please take one" bowls on someone's doorstep. Needless to say Ember did what Ember does and now they're all packed tight into her cherry red tum along with said candy.

Up next Lucy & Mavis's WIPs tomorrow afternoon.





Oohhh absolutely beautiful 😍 I forgot how much I like ember being so big and cute ☺️ just want to keep giving her more and more candy


Rumor has it if you keep pushing food in front of her she can't help but eat it, even if she's way past full O:

Chris Smith

She do be looking Hella cute in those overalls. Makes me think of like a Mario style outfit for her tbh.


Very cute and I like this lore update! Can't wait to see more of it in the future :3


I'd be up for seeing Ember get even thiccer, whether it's from candy or kids >:3


I don’t like sharing my candy ig she’ll just have to take it from me, probably even swallow me whole🤷🏻‍♂️👀


Ember: That demon skin from Fortnite Cinder: Mori Calliope's nurse outfit?


These are great, Metal! Happy (late) Halloween!


Is that a amogus in the background Also something bout this pic i really like. something feels more fun or less static than some other ones? also i like embers hair. the semi wild look suits her


It may be... And I'm trying to relax from the past two months of IRL stuff and just have fun drawing again. So maybe it's that.


Thanks Chris and I can see why. I don't think I've ever drawn a girl in them until now but they must be the ultimate belly supports :3


I appreciate your enthusiasm Lelouch though I don't really go back and make alts unless I promise to before hand.


Love seeing Ember's large cherry tummy. Especially with snacks/people. Her expression is really cute.


Thanks Particleman, idk why but this whole year drawing her with a strained over-fed expression has just felt right.


Such a fun development! I can't wait to see more Ember shenanigans!

Dorian Barrios

Did not know you played fortnite too. You grinding for the chrome punk skin too?


I find myself writing down way more ideas for her than I can realistically draw. But I'm certain we'll see her again soon(ish)


I do, I almost always play casually in squads with friends late at night. And I don't plan to grind for it. I got the Desdemona skin which I love and Chun-Li's is the only other one I would want for ummm...reasons.

Mars Shadow

So Cinder is now Darkness.


Not quite, the idea is that Cinder gets off to being shamed. I think Darkness likes being spanked and more physical punishment.