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Hey everyone, I hope you've been having a great weekend.  I'm here with a unique mid-month update for October.

For the rest of October I'm going to focus exclusively on the 5 winners from this month's poll. I've decided this would be the best course of action to get back on track. I've already discussed this with all 10 Full Combo patrons about the situation and top tier patron Black and White sketches along with the regular schedule will resume come November 1st.

As for this month's winners I'll be working on Albedo and Rebecca's rewards today and I plan to have their WIPs ready to share tomorrow. My goal is to have them both completed this week and then start the final 3 winners ASAP. I'll have a more accurate completion date within their respective WIP posts.

And I'll still be doing them in their usual order of alternating between sequence, color sketch, sequence, ect with 3rd place Rebecca and her sequence coming first.

So that's all the news for this Sunday, if you have any questions feel free to ask. I'll be back here tomorrow with WIPs to share.

Take care and have a relaxing rest of your day.



Thanks for the update! But I do hope you are doing alright. Self care is best care so I hope you take it easy and not burn yourself out.


It's the least I could do Junglebeat, being open and communicating what's going on is something I value and that you guys deserve to know. And I will try, I am feeling a bit better now. I'm eager to draw and just need to plan ahead for any IRL responsibilities that might pop up.