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Hey everyone, I hope you're staying cool during this heat. I'm here with the WIP for June's 4th place winner Mipha!

For Mipha I'm thinking her main image will be vore focused, given that she's an aquatic fantasy species it makes sense that she could do what some deep sea creatures do and just swallow their meal whole in one big gulp. I will however be making a non-vore alt for those who are not into it.

I initially sketched out the larger pose before you but thought a bit more and sketched a smaller one of her underwater. I'm going to explore the smaller sketch a bit more but which of the two do you prefer? 

Regardless of which one I pick I'll have Mipha and any alt versions completed by Tuesday the 28th. But first before that I'll have 2-3 Full Combo tier patron sketches to share with you this Tuesday the 21st!

This is a work in progress so some elements of the compositions are subject to change.





I think the bigger sketch would fit better


I prefer the bigger one :3 I’m imaging she’s eaten link so they’ll never be apart

Owen Garrett

I like the bigger size of the underwater version, and also the more interesting pose and angle of it


The small sketch is good, but the main one is perfect.


The right one looks great. It looks like she just came out of the water to hold her belly. Proud of whoever she just downed.


I enjoy the smaller sketch, both are great though!


It seems to be pretty common to have Mipha eating Zelda to keep Link all to herself. I've seen that done a lot, but I wouldn't mind seeing it again~