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The first round of May's polls have concluded and all regular and bonus votes have been tallied! Here are the top 5 candidates from that poll for the final runoff. This poll will close in 24 hours on Thursday May 5th at 1:30pm Pacific.

This poll will decide each character's final standing and thus if they'll be drawn in a colored sketch or a colored sketch sequence and the length of their sequence. Same rules apply here as with all previous polls, including bonus votes.

Winners and the belly type I'll pair them up with will be announced tomorrow after I count up all votes.

And I'll draw 5~ or so runner up sketches as compensation for some of the characters who didn't place in the top 5 this month.



When you don’t know any of these characters 🥲

Kenton Siddorn

when there’s another dragon ball character 🤨

Sarah F

Yor is a given for 1st place so it's a race for 2nd and 3rd Bois! Chi-Chi made big waves in the first round but can she hold on with such fierce competition and finish in the top 3? Find out on the next episode of dragon ball z! *Sweet guitar riff*


Just glad my girl Bernie made it 🥰


I'm gonna go for Palutena! She's gonna look good in your artstyle~

Aiden Sexton



Seeing Bernadetta on this poll is quite a relief. Though considering her love of cake, wonder if hers will be stuffing or weight gain?


While I wanted Wicke to make it to the final round, I’ll give my vote for Wiz.