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Hey everyone, I hope you had a great weekend. Here is the WIP for April's 4th place winner Starfire!

I thought about it for a while, looked up various versions and decided Teen Titan's Starfire was the most appealing to me. What I'm still debating is if her main image should be stuffing or vore. Whichever I pick I'll be including a mini panel add on for how many votes she received relative to 5th and 3rd place. 

I'll have Starfire and any alt versions completed by Wednesday the 27th. But before that I'll have 2-3 Full Combo tier patron sketches to share this Thursday the 21st!

This is a work in progress so some elements of the compositions are subject to change.





Looking forward


Do both 😃 why not


That bit with Raven looks cute, especially since Raven probably knows Starfire is showing her new huge tits to impress her.


Vore I feel fits the most due to all the weird stuff she ate in the show