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April's round 2 runoff poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. All bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!

1st: Ranni (185 votes! )

2nd: Android 21 (174 votes)

3rd: Erza Scarlet (136 votes)

4th: Starfire (111 votes)

5th: Ramona Flowers (72 votes)

This means Ranni will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence, Erza a 2-3 panel sequence and Starfire & Ramona being drawn as colored sketches! As for Android 21, given how close she came to 1st place, I'll be looking to add another panel making hers a 4-5 panel sequence! I'll also be considering adding some bonus content for Starfire's color sketch, given her high vote count relative to 5th and 3rd.

In addition to April's 5 winners I'll be doing between 5-9 runner up sketches for some of the women who didn't win this month. I'll have those completed and ready to share tonight.

But back to this month's winners, my initial thoughts for Ranni is to go with stuffing and/or weight gain. I don't know much about Elden Ring or Souls Games in general but they do tend to have vore in them but I would like to do something different for this month's 1st place winner, that and it would probably work better with our 2nd place winner.

Speaking of second place, Android 21 took that spot this month and will most likely be vore! With an extra panel as a bonus I should be able to squeeze in some weight gain too.

Now for Erza stuffing I think will work well, last time I drew her it was vore related but given her affinity for cake I think pure stuffing will be nice.

For Starfire I'm thinking anything could work for her given she's an alien and a super hero. What else needs to be figured out is what version of her to use. Personally I like her Teen Titan's look the most but maybe I'll find a version from the DC universe that is more appealing. And for Ramona it's another wild card, stuffing, preg or vore could all work for her or maybe just some chubby weight gain.

So those are my initial ideas for this month's rewards. I'll have to do my research before deciding.

A big thank you to everyone who participated! I will begin working on this month's winners first thing tomorrow. I'll have both WIPs for Erza and Ramona ready to share this Friday the 8th followed by the first batch of Full Combo sketches this Sunday the 10th.

I hope you have a great day! I'll see you guys again later tonight with this month's runner up sketches.



Weight gain ranni ☺️💕


Vore for starfire plz 🥺


For 21 yes vore, for Erza I think vore would still be good but up to you

Lelouch vi Britannia

Let's fucking go queen ranni for the win we are all going to get some maidens I hope to see pregnancy and PS sorry for my language

Scott Fine

Was really pulling for Ramona.


I think it’s more that Erza already had vore done the last time she won big in the poll (and it was a full sequence to boot), so Metal wants to avoid it being a complete retread.


I'd love to see vore for Ranni, but there's room for anything with how little art of her there is. I'm just hoping to see some hourglass plumping in the end.

Kenton Siddorn

Well at least 21 didn’t get first place for once honestly she needs less love as she already has gotten so far

Sarah F

Considering death and life in the souls series pregnancy also works for Ranni, and since vore is common in the series perhaps an alt image for vore for Ranni at least. The rest I think all work pretty well for them, and TT cartoon is also my favorite Starfire but she definitely has other good looks

Owen Garrett

Not to be a wet blanket, but I'll be disappointed if it's not the TT version of Starfire, as that's what I had in mind when I voted. ^^;


I understand Owen, I think the TT version is her most popular and well known version. In the polls if a specific design for a candidate is listed I will denote that in parenthesis. That being said her TT version is also my favorite so I'll almost certainly be going with it.