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Sup everyone, how is it hanging today? Here is the WIP for March's 4th place winner Gawr Gura.

After thinking it over I decided that Gura should have a big vore tum, a fat tail and showing or using her feet in some capacity in her image. I have 4 different rough sketches here and I'm currently leaning towards 1 & 2 the most. And of course whichever one I go with I'll make a non-vore alt for those not into it. 

I'll have Gura and any alt versions completed by Sunday the 27th. But before that I'll have 2-3 Full Combo tier patron sketches to share this Monday the 21st!

This is a work in progress so some elements of the compositions are subject to change.





I like 3 and 4 the most. Can’t really decide between those two lol. But I think 4 would work best.


Oohhh I’m torn between 1 3 and 4. The BIGGER belly options of course

Scott Fine

Oooooooh 2 is scratching me right where I itch

Changed This For Privacy

1B is amazing. Go for that. Also, I find it very funny that this entire thread is in disagreement on which is the best. All are very good.


i like all of hem, 2 is a good dynamic pose, 4 is a good angle


I think I like 2 and 3 the best, but they all look good so far!


dang these are all good, I'm gonna say 2 as well that seems very Gura energy lol

A Small Dog

Ooh! 1 with the big tum would be amazing!


I'd say 1b and 3b look the most interesting


Yeah, 1 B is my favorite so far.

taco libre

2 for sure


The bigger the better when doing vore bellies


1 for me these look great ^^


I'm kinda torn between 1B and 2; 1B has that amazingly huge belly, but I also reeeally like that "innocent" alt idea you have for 2

Kyle Ganley

Also, I WAS hoping the non-vore alt was hyperpreg, but then I remembered how shark pregnancies work. Yeah, probably best to avoid that...