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March's round 2 runoff poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. All bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!

1st: Dark Magician Girl (175 votes!)

2nd: Marin Kitagawa (136 votes)

3rd: Gwynevere [Dark Souls] (132 votes)

4th: Gawr Gura (117 votes)

5th: Nora Valkyrie (96 votes)

This means Dark Magician Girl will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence, with Gura and Nora being drawn as colored sketches!

As for Marin and Gwynevere since they came so close to one another, I'll try and even out their rewards and sequence lengths. So I'm thinking either 3 full panels + a mini panel or 4 full panels if I can find time for both girls.

In addition to March's 5 winners I'll be doing between 5-9 runner up sketches for some of the women who didn't win this month. I'll have those completed and ready to share tonight.

As for this month's winners I'm Dark Magician Girl's sequence can go in many directions. Given that Yu-Gi-Oh revolves around monster combat; vore or some kind of food attack could work well. I may do a combination sequence with stuffing, a tiny bit of weight gain and some vore since those are always fun. Though there is merit to rapid pregnancy or belly inflation.

For Marin I'm not familiar with her series at all, but given the title of her anime/manga weight gain seems like a good choice. I'll have to do more research on her first.

For Gwynevere stuffing, vore or even pregnancy could work for her, I'll decide after more research on her dialog and lore.

Then for Gura given that she's a shark weight gain, vore and/or stuffing could work very well, it will depend on what I do with the other winners. As for Nora stuffing is a given, with her love of pancakes and constant roundness in the chibi series.

So those are my initial ideas for this month's rewards. I'll keep brainstorming what to do with the 5 winners before I finalize anything.

A big thank you to everyone who participated! I will begin working on this month's winners Monday after I finish my half of an art trade with MacNova. And then I'll have both WIPs for Gwynevere & Nora ready to share this Tuesday the 8th followed by 3-4 Full Combo sketches to this Thursday the 10th.

Stay safe, stay healthy and take care. I'll see you guys again later today with this month's runner up sketches.



Dam no PB ☹️


I'm just here for Nora


Marin could be a good candidate for stuffing as well. She certainly loves to eat!

Kenton Siddorn

really do hope there’s vore for Nora honestly just how gluttonous she can be and there isn’t much vore for her


Really, the only thing I'm hoping for is to see some vore with DMG; Cute girls like her deserve a nice, round, squirmy belly!❤


Glad dark magician girl won and looking forward to it with hopefully some vore. I also get Nora with stuffing but hopefully try and do a vore somehow as well since she can eat anything


Talk about coincidence that Marin wins on the poll with Crunchyroll saying it's her characters's b-day today :0


There is some good vore in yugioh with forest wolf. But that's the wolf.

Sarah F

I'm curious if there was a hidden vote or something for the first round as midna had the same votes as nora percentage wise in the poll so was Patreon being fucky again and not list accurste percentages or was it something else?


If I recall there was this one card in Yu-Gi-Oh that was a gingerbread house magic card that would fatten up mosnters as an effect, something about gaining more atk points and if its above a certain amount they explode? It was in the anime at one point but either way that's a just a small suggestion lol


No worries Sarah. The bonus votes for Big Burger and Full Combo tier patrons aren't accounted for in the Patreon polls. Once a poll closes a creator can see who voted for which choice. From there I add in bonus votes and tally them up manually. And this is done for both rounds.


I remember seeing that scene like 12 years ago in a 240p mov file. I'm sure something like that could be swapped around for DMG to do the eating.


I found the scene on youtube, that poor fat dragon x3 I'll see explore my options with that and other cards from the game Kyubits :3


When I first saw wolf swallow someone, I always wanted for it to meet Dark Magican Girl. Her being the hunter would be cool. But with so many options, I look forward to what's coming