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Hey everyone! I hope you're doing well this Fat Tuesday, I'm here with the first of the month update for this fat month of March 2022!

General News updates:

For March all the regular rewards have returned! Character suggestions for the polls, said round 1 and 2 polls, this month's 5 winners,  runner up sketches and Full Combo tier patron sketches are all back in action. Same thing for this month's schedule which will be about the same as January's. 

On top of that my goal for the first week or so is to finish up my half of an art trade with MacNova! It will feature their plump, pink hair OC Kay. She's always a delight and so far I'm having fun drawing her. As of right now I'm working on cleaning up her sketch and inking.

Other than that I have one or two personal art ideas I would like to draw if I can find time. Not to mention the itch to do an animation is in full force. I may look to animate some previous pieces I made in February or make a fresh animation from scratch. 

I'll be updating this post as character suggestions come in and are accepted from now throughout Thursday morning. EDIT #3 Character suggestions at 25/25 approved.

Character Suggestion & Full Combo Sketch Info:

Now as per usual this month's character poll will open 10am (PST) March 3rd for 24 hours and the Run Off poll will be on the 4th and conclude on the 5th. I will be able to tally the votes soon after and announce the winners later that day along with their belly combination.

For those in the Big Burger and Full Combo tiers who want to suggest a character, you may do so by leaving it in the comments here or DMing me anytime starting now. The cutoff deadline for suggestions is March 2nd at 9pm Pacific. See here for details on suggesting a character  https://sta.sh/09zy6woe8h7

And a reminder that those in the Big Burger and Full Combo tiers who do not suggestion a character for the polls or you did and it was not accepted, you will receive one extra vote towards your choices in the polls.

Patrons in the Full Combo Tier may submit your monthly sketch ideas to me anytime now and I'll begin work on those as soon as I can. Check out the main page st.ash link or see it here  https://sta.sh/0rhcxb3hhiq as a refresher.

That's all the news for this morning! I would like to take this time to thank you for you generous support, it means so much to me.

Stay safe, take care and have a awesome day!