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For Tifa's sequence I'm going with vanilla weight gain, with her going through the game being more and more burdened by her growing girth. I'm still deciding which pose(s) to go with for panel 2 and 4. That and her reaction to Cloud and the others commenting on her weight. The other thing to consider is if she should be in her original or remake outfit. The easy solution may be to make one alt version dedicated to the opposite outfit I go with.

I should have Tifa and any alt versions of her sequence all done by Monday the 24th

For Spider Gwen stuffing is a foregone conclusion, with her eating a ton of pizza as she goes about her normal activities. As for which Spider-Gwen specifically it'll be Earth-65 Gwen, the same I've drawn before. I'm also looking to include a cameo from a female villain or two. As for bonus content I'm exploring my options, I may try and animate her sequence or a single panel. But I may look into some extra panels or side-sequence, given how many votes she received relative to all the other candidates. 

I'm aiming to have Spider Gwen's sequence and any bonus content done and ready to share early on the 31st if not sooner.

Now onto Hilda Valentine's WIP in just a moment.

These are works in progress so some elements of the compositions are subject to change.





Vore alt For Gwen ?


Gwen all the way on the right though 👀💦❤️❤️

ARK Redeemer

Can't wait to see the Gwen one!

Scott Fine

You could always have gwenPOOL pop in and out and tease her for getting involved with a stuffing artist.


Few maskless pics for gwen as well? Nice


Awesome! She definitely looks cuter without the mask imho