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Hey everyone, I'm here with a brief mid month update for December!

December's remaining schedule:

As of this post I have Videl's rewards about 25%-33% done. Mei's sequence ate up more time than many previous 3rd place winners (Pun intended) So I should have Videl done by tomorrow night at the latest. I still need to finalize her pose and then work on inking her.

After Videl is done I'll work on Komi, Wii Fit and Lucifer's rewards. I've already started the rough sketches for Wii fit and Lucifer and some very rough thumbnails for Komi. I want to integrate something holiday related into one or more of their rewards if I can. No guarantee but if I can find time this holiday season I may try and clean up an old sketch like I did with Halloween too.

I'll have the WIPs for those 3 remaining winners ready on Saturday the 18th and then after that 3 more Full Combo patron sketches on Tuesday the 21st.

So that's my rough timeline for the next part of December.

Stay warm, stay safe and I'll see you guys back here tomorrow with Videl's rewards.


