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Yo everyone, here is the WIP for December's 5th place winner Videl.

For Videl I'm thinking her main image will be vore focused, with her having slurped down her opponent one way or another. With the two of them bantering as she tries to sooth her overfilled stomach. And I'll be making an ambiguous / non vore version for those not into it.

What I'm still deciding is the pose, I was initially leaning towards A but maybe B might be the best to show off not only how full she is but the fight still going on within. Though C has its merits with showing off her spandex shorts and weighty belly best. What do you think? I will say I did decide on what to do with her hair, but I'll leave that a surprise until she's done.

I should have Videl completed late on the 15th after the mid-month update. But first I'll have 3-4 Full Combo patron sketches this upcoming this Friday 10th!

This is a work in progress so some elements of the compositions are subject to change.





I absolutely love B


I was almost expecting a pregnancy Theme. I guess B then


B all the way

The Noob_artist05

B for me for hair style the best for Videl The pig tail style ;)