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Break out the turkey and stuffing, we're closing in on feasting season. So that means I'm here with a very brief Mid-month update for you today!

November's remaining schedule:

Right now I have Naoto like 75% done. Currently I'm working on extra details, her dialog and any alts I may want to do. I have some stuff going on this morning and early afternoon but after that's all done I should be able to finish her tonight.

After I finish Naoto I'll be working on Samus, Lindsay and Ahsoka's rewards. I already started all 3 and have a few sketches for Lindsay & Ahsoka with some very rough thumbnails for Samus. I don't think I mentioned it when I announced the winners but with how many votes Samus received I'm going to look into extra rewards for her based on that. I'm not sure yet what I want to do but I'll explore my options.

So I'll have those last 3 WIPs ready to share on Thursday the 18th and after that 3 Full Combo patron sketches on Sunday the 21st.

So that's my estimated schedule for the rest of November! I'll see you guys later today with Naoto!

Stay chill and have a wonderful day.



Will you do anything special for Thanksgiving?


I'm thinking about it. Right now I'm looking to incorporate Thanksgiving stuff into Lindsay's sequence, with it being done right before the holiday.