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Yo everyone, the weekend is upon us and I'm here with September's 2nd place winner Dawn and her 4 part sequence for you tonight! *Small Edit* put the correct text for panel 3*

For Dawn's sequence I bounced around between vore or weight gain. I finally decided for her main sequence that it should be vore with a mini panel ending in weight gain. By the looks of it Mars already had a nice, energy filled meal. Given how fat her overworld sprite is I'm surprised there isn't more art of her. But Jupiter has other ideas... that is until Cynthia arrives and goes into full protect mode. But she can't afford to gain a ton of weight before her trip to Unova and Dawn should learn the ropes if she ever wants to become champion... so bon appetit!

Included are 3 alternative versions, the first being a dialog-less version with no digestion and Cynthia eager to join the two commanders in that tum for some fun. Second is a non-vore stuffing version with Cynthia showing off her new Alcremie. Finally third is an implied rapid pregnancy version where Dawn wandered into the Old Chateau un prepared, only to be met by some ghosts. Also included is the mini panel by itself, with smol Cynthia face planting into big Dawn's soft paunch.

Up next Sakura's colored sketch on either the 27th or earlier.





Awesome work. I love it so much


I like how happy Cynthia looks holding Jupiter and mars with her belly poking out. Adorable. Also dawn with that tease. Also also it's cute how Cynthia has her hand on Dawn's like she's training Dawn to be the next gut champion.


I love Dawn's expression at the end!


Awesome sequence and good save by everyone’s fav champion. Super cute dialogue as well.


No problem. I have a question: when will you make a long comic?


I’d like to think this is what happened to the entire team galactic. Dawn just eats everyone of them and gets massive


Cynthia really packed on the pounds from Unova


I've thought up a few ideas but given my current workload I don't see myself drawing them right now. If I did I would want them to focus probably on Ember and/or Cinder.


Thank you Particleman, I've always loved pairing Cynthia and Dawn together so I tried to include as many self indulgent things like that as I could :3

Sarah F

Fuck this came out amazingly!!! And I'm so happy to see many of my suggestions /ideas incorporated that we'd discussed across previous posts ^o^ dawn's bellies all look perfect the shape and weight just all if it works perfectly visually. And love the Cynthia/Dawn relationship you've depicted, clearly the one young trainer who is safe from Cynthia's hunger . And the interactions are just vague enough you can interpret their relationship however you want, master/apprentice, mother/daughter, platonic, romantic, etc

Juan Games

I love the ending, she must be comfortable and warm


can we talk about how good cynthia looks in panel 1, esp with mars poking her stomach like that


Heh, thanks fa1995. I thought having Mars poke her stomach would be like foreshadowing but boy was she mistaken.