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Yo everyone, I hope you had a good Bastille Day yesterday. That means it is the 15th and I'm here with the mid-month update for July!

July's remaining schedule:

 As of posting this I have Filia almost fully inked and colors started. I have to refine some parts of her composition still as well as figure out dialog and facial expressions too. I will have her ready to share in about 8-12 hours from now or around 5-9PM Pacific time.

After Filia is done I'll begin working on Diane, D. va and Frankie tonight. So far I have Diane's colored sketch all figured out I just need to put pen to tablet. As for D. va and Frankie I have a decent bunch of ideas but still want to explore scenes and other ideas I can include. I plan to make as much progress as I can ahead of time, just in case of fever and or fatigue from my second covid shot on the 23rd.

I'll have the last 3 WIPs for July ready to share this Sunday the 18th and after that I will have 3-4 more Full Combo patron sketches Wednesday the 21st.

My goal is to have D. va's sequence done on the 24th, Diane's colored sketch on the 27th and Frankie's sequence early on the 31st. I'll also post the last patron sketches and photoshop files on the 31st too.

That's the estimated schedule for the second half of July, I'll keep working on Filia today and have her ready to share with you guys tonight!

Take care and have a wonderful day.



Thanks Metal, you have a great day too! I decided to pledge recently, but it's well worth the cost


Bellies are coming