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Hey everyone I hope you're well this morning. I'm here with June's 1st place winner Mythra in a 6 part sequence and bonus animation for you!

*Edit* 7/1/21 I attached a cropped, textless version of the final panel from the larger vore alt to better show off her full belly.

For Mythra's sequence I wanted to include elements from her runner up sketch from a few months back. Basically she wants Nia to help her taste test what appear to be homemade KFC double downs only for Nia to get gobbled up after some choice words. If I am to understand correctly Pyra and Mythra are one in the same but eventually do split in game. So let's assume that they split after digestion, with each taking half the weight. Besides who doesn't love a chubby Pyra?

Included along with the main sequence is a bonus animated version of it, with plenty of belly growth, wobbles and bounces. On top of that we have two alternative endings to the sequence, the first being one where Pyra encourages Mythra to eat the rest and she does! Second is one where instead of becoming a snack Nia force feeds Mythra until she's an immobile ball of a woman. I know a few folks were asking for larger, immobile stuffed bellies so it felt right to incorporate that here :3 On top of that there are two smaller gifs of said endings and just the endings. As well as a cropped Pyra in isolation too.

I'll be uploading the Photoshop files for all of June's work ASAP and then the last patron sketches tonight.




Jeffth Bling

Ooh, wonderful work - Mythra deserves a choice selection of fine foods, after all 😏

Chris Smith

This is amazing stuff! So happy you ended up doing this one. Thanks Metalforever! ❤❤❤


Awesome work


I love it so much


Love how Pyra also got fat


Wooow MetalForever you did a lot of work for this one I see. Really astounding and amazing😍




Fantastic work man. And that chubby pyra as a bonus makes it all for the better.


Fantastic and lovely job on all others. The main animation and all the alts! They are all equally amazing! They also cute.




Absolutely beautiful. I love Xenoblade so much. Hopefully a Xenoblade 1 girl gets a thing soon. Haha. Great work!


Hoo damn, what a way to end the month! Amazing work on this sequence and the alts, as always! Also, I don't mean to sound greedy, but I've been wondering something for a while: do you happen to have the textless versions of any of your works? I only ask because I feel the text bubble kind of obscures Mythra's belly in the mass vore sequence. It's cool if you don't though, I was just curious!

MetalForeverArtist (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 17:43:33 Thanks Shadowrayquaza. I usually only make textless versions if it obstructs a noticeable portion of an image, like Hinoa & Minoto's. But it isn't any trouble, I'll attach a cropped textless version of the final multi-vore panel here.
2021-07-01 23:56:20 Thanks Shadowrayquaza. I usually only make textless versions if it obstructs a noticeable portion of an image, like Hinoa & Minoto's. But it isn't any trouble, I'll attach a cropped textless version of the final multi-vore panel here.

Thanks Shadowrayquaza. I usually only make textless versions if it obstructs a noticeable portion of an image, like Hinoa & Minoto's. But it isn't any trouble, I'll attach a cropped textless version of the final multi-vore panel here.


Wow. I don't know what to say except thank you! I'm glad to be one of your supporters! Keep being amazing! :D


Are you gonna do a noise version for this animation like you did for elma?