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Hey everyone, I mentioned it a few days ago and now I'm here again tonight with a bonus implied vore animation of Aqua from her sequence last month!

I played around with parts of Aqua's sequence for a bit, seeing which panels would be good to animate. I felt the 5th panel would work best, where Darkness has been unknowingly gobbled up by Aqua and loving every second of it in there. But you can't have just Aqua and Darkness, so included is a small (or rather big) cameo of Megumin and her fat paunch.

Also included is a slightly different version with the most frames having a consistent playback speed. I have had a few folks mention that the playback speed can be rather fast so I wanted to see which version you prefer.

An if you haven't yet and want to; don't forget to vote in June's round 2 poll by noon tomorrow.





Bless your soul. You definitely picked the sexiest pose to add motion to, now even better. If anyone is dumb enough to eat someone without noticing, it's Aqua. Thank you so SO much for making our Goddess' big gut wobble.


P.s two giant bellies touching like this is awesome.


AAAAAA I LOVE IT!! Great work as always, Metal :)


As for the version I'd prefer, I like the original 1st one just because it looks smooth in motion whereas the 2nd one, although it's not bad, it feels a bit too stuttery and laggy for my taste.


Seriously, your animations are so amazing. Can we please have sound versions of them? It would make them so much sexier!


Yooooo! You did it, you actually did it! I knew you wouldn't disappoint! Thank you!


She’s so cute!


Is it greedy of me hoping for Megumin to have a vore belly in the future? Hehe


Yep this makes too much sense for a scenario XD. Awesome job on the animation!


Heh, glad to hear Phat it's my pleasure. An bless you guys for your support. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without it. An I agree, tummies touching and interacting with one another is highly appealing :3


That's fair, I guess I would need to add a bunch of in-between frames or something to make it look better while slower. And thank you :3


Thanks Anonymouse and maybe, I can't make any promises but I do want to experiment more with adding sounds.


No need to thank me Shadowrayquaza, I cannot resist the animated vore tummies and wanted to really give one to Aqua :3