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May's round 2 runoff poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. All bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!

1st: Aqua (158 votes!)

2nd: Lady Dimitrescu (150 votes)

3rd: Azula (103 votes)

4th: Hinoa (71 votes)

5th: Raphtalia (50 votes)

This means Aqua will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence, Lady Dimitrescu a 3-4 panel colored sketch sequence, Azula a 2-3 panel colored sketch sequence with Hinoa and Raphtalia being drawn as colored sketches!

In addition to May's 5 winners I'll be doing 7~ or so runner up sketches for some of the women who didn't win this month. I'll have those ready to share in a few hours from now.

For this month's winners I'm thinking Aqua's sequence should be a little silly. Truth be told I really only know that she's a baka so I'll have to look up more info on her. Like many first place winners I feel like she could work with a variety of tummy types.

After a commanding lead in the first round poll, Lady Dimitrescu came in a very close second place this month. With how close first and second place are this month, I'll be looking to do a little more for the giant vampire mom to reflect that. So for her sequence I am thinking either vore or weight gain will work well. I would go with vore immediately if it wasn't so applicable to May's third place winner, Azula.

For Azula I'm leaning towards vore for her if I don't do it for Lady Dimitrescu and Aqua. Otherwise some kind of water inflation or stuffing might work, or a hybrid with weight gain too.

For Hinoa something extra gluttonous is a guarantee given her love of stuffing her face with bunny dangos. I'll be looking to include her sister in the image too, somehow. Finally for Raphtalia I'll have to dig up more info on her before I make a final decision for her tummy. But from what I've seen initially she would work well in a wholesome scenario.

A big thank you to everyone who participated! I will begin working on this month's winners Friday morning. I will have both Azula and Raphtalia's WIPs ready to share this Saturday the 8th along with 3-4 Full Combo sketches to share this Tuesday the 11th.

Stay safe and take care, I'll see you guys in a bit with those bonus sketches.


jake bochow

I am excited for Aqua!


Oooo full panel for Aqua :D Your treating Konosuba fans for sure Metal lol


Well for raphtalia you could have her swallow the bitch princess as revenge


raphtalia i think would be best with stuffing or pregnancy. vore just doesnt fit her at all lol. for aqua, a massive bloating with alcohol would fit. as for azula and demetr-whatever the hell, i dont even like them so do whatever lol. and ive never heard of hinoa, so same with her.


So close


Useless goddess has defeated Big mama lady! What a close battle!!! Should be some fun sets of images!

Captain Rocko

Aqua loves booze, so if she got fat from constantly drinking until she was an immobile blob, that would be awesome!


Our faith in Aqua has been rewarded!!! Can't wait to see a blessed tummy on this beautiful dummy!!!


What a great lineup!!! I'd love to see Azula's <i>apocalyptic</i> reaction to a small-medium weight gain.


WOOOO! Useless Water Goddess for the win! This is gonna be gooood~! I'm hoping to see a vore sequence (or just an alt), but I'll be satisfied either way!

Scott Fine

At least Azula got into the top three