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April's round 2 runoff poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. All bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!

1st: Shego (178 votes!)

2nd: Elma (123 votes)

3rd: Tsuki Uzaki (107 votes)

4th: Akeno Himejima (57 votes)

5th: April O'Neil (53 votes)

This means Shego will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence, Elma a 3-4 panel colored sketch sequence, Tsuki Uzaki a 2-3 panel colored sketch sequence with Akeno and April being drawn as colored sketches!

In addition to April's 5 winners, I'll be doing 5 or so runner up sketches for some of the women who didn't win this month. I should have those ready to share later today.

For this month's winners I'm thinking Shego's sequence could easily be any number of things, be it weight gain or stuffing or vore. I'm leaning towards stuffing or weight gain since I would like to do vore for some of the other winners but I won't rule out a hybrid sequence.

Speaking of, for Elma I'm considering her sequence will be vore or a hybrid vore + stuffing, given her massive appetite and canon threats of eating people it seems natural. She just can't help herself and with her rivalry with Tohru they play off one another rather well.

For Tsuki I'm thinking her sequence will mirror Hana's, with her gaining tons of weight. With it either being a continuation or standalone to Hana's sequence is still up for debate.

For Akeno I don't know much about her but I'm leaning towards vore just based on how she looks, I'll do a bit more research before I start her image. And lastly April's colored sketch will feature pizza and either weight gain or stuffing, perhaps a combination like Chell's image from January.

A big thank you to everyone who participated! I will begin working on this month's winners starting tomorrow afternoon. I will have both Tsuki & April's WIPs ready to share this Thursday the 8th along with 3-4 Full Combo sketches to share this Sunday the 11th.

I'll see you guys in a bit with those bonus sketches. Stay safe and have a great Monday.



Shego with a moderate, realistic WG would be <i>too good.</i> I'm just imagining the sheer amount of snark and sarcasm potential.


Delighted that we're getting an Akeno. One thing I'd humbly point out is that there's sort-of an element in the series of her getting competitive with the other heroine, Rias, about who'll bear the main character's child first. But if we get any kind of non-vore edit for variety I'll be happy.


There was that time Drakken had a failed cupcake franchise that left a bunch of leftovers when the scheme failed. What would happen if Shego didn't refuse to help with cupcake disposal?


Ooooh the April O'Neil piece sounds like a remake from that time you did a April commission :D


I vote continuation path for Tsuki Uzaki. Both Uzaki-chans as BBWs