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Hey everyone, here are the last 3 Patron sketches for March!

This time around we have two chunky elf OCs, the first sporting a latina get up and sassing the viewer over staring too long at her juicy body.

The second elf OC is busting out of her barmaid's outfit, her corset splitting right down the middle as raises her tankard of ale.

Lastly we have a roman aquilifer taking the saying "an army marches on it's stomach" literally. With her super fat and struggling to even stand up as the battle around her rages on. Though the battle inside her is even more fierce, as her stomach is eager to get back to camp and have its fill. You have to wonder if she's this huge and apart of legion Porcus, what the rest of her cohort must look like.

Attached are all the files in their full resolution, including the other patron sketches for March and bonus runner up sketches too.

That's a warp for March, I'll see you guys tomorrow with the first of the month update!





Elf 1: doesn't sound so bad to me. Elf 2: if all the barmaids are built like her I'd go more often.