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The first round of March's polls have concluded! Here are the top 5 candidates from that poll for the final runoff. This poll will close in 24 hours, on Friday March 5th at 12 Noon PST.

This poll will decide each character's final standing and thus if they'll be drawn in a colored sketch or a colored sketch sequence and the length of their sequence. Same rules apply here as with all previous polls, including bonus votes.

Winners and the belly type I'll pair them up with will be announced tomorrow after I count up all votes.

Just like in the past few months, for March I'll be doing between 3 & 5 runner up sketches as compensation for some of the characters who didn't make it to the top 5 this month.


walker allen

if bulma win she needs a sequence that she eats like a sayian and gains weight. it would make sense

MrMetroid (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 18:07:07 ugh, I feel like screwed Neo's chances over 'cause of course Bulma & Ann had to be contestants this time... now it'll be a year before she can even be entered again XP
2021-03-04 20:40:33 ugh, I feel like screwed Neo's chances over 'cause of course Bulma & Ann had to be contestants this time... now it'll be a year before she can even be entered again XP

ugh, I feel like screwed Neo's chances over 'cause of course Bulma & Ann had to be contestants this time... now it'll be a year before she can even be entered again XP


The new yearlong cooldown kinda negates that for anything not in the top 3 though, IMHO - those get full comic strips to balance out the wait, while everything from 6th down's immediately reusable next month. Then again, maybe that's on me - I initially thought (i.e., misread) that it'd be a year for the winners who got comic strips and figured it'd be a bit shorter for those that didn't. hence my feeling like i screwed up ^_^;

shoutingzombie (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 18:07:07 Megumin, 2B, Bulma, Ann & Neo :D Your spoiling us Metal haha
2021-03-04 23:25:42 Megumin, 2B, Bulma, Ann & Neo :D Your spoiling us Metal haha

Megumin, 2B, Bulma, Ann & Neo :D Your spoiling us Metal haha


Don't beat yourself up over it MrMetroid, as John put it; it is a tough competition to get to the second round as is. Plus Neo has been nominated one or two times before and now just finally placed top 5.