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Hey everyone, I'm back again with that bonus image I alluded to earlier. It's a quick but finished color sketch of that wide Chun Li from the 3rd batch of sketches this month!

I was pleased with how her inital sketch turned out so I began this Friday and really only made progress this morning and evening on her.

Also included is a sweaty version since it makes sense for a fighter of her caliber (and size) to work up a sweat.

I'll be posting her photoshop file along with the two commissions from this month for Medium Soda patrons and above ASAP. Plus I'll see you guys tomorrow with the first of the month update, where normal rewards will make a return!




Magnus Canis

Amazing work this month, Metal! As unorthodox as it may seem, I’d say you’ve handled it very well! Can’t wait for wait comes next!


You spoil us good sir.


It’s a dream come true! I never imagined this would actually happen, thank you!


No need to thank me Cactaur98, after her inclusion to Fortnite I got inspired... that and big girls in spandex are great.


Chunk Li


Ooooh Chun Li my Street Fighter main. Thanks Metal for sharing definitely needed this after getting out of the hospital :D


The pleasure is all mine Jordan and D: I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope you're doing better and on the mend.


Lord, forgive me for what I'm about to do.


As someone who love interactions between juri and chun absolutely love this! Fantastic job 🤩👌👍!