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Yo everyone, I'm here this morning with another batch of bonus sketches for you! 

These are more personal sketches of characters I've been wanting to draw for a while now. There is a heavy Yu Yu Hakusho theme going on and not just that but also a pregnancy theme too, with all but one of the sketches featuring it. I actually didn't realize how many of the girls were pregnant until I compiled them in this post.

The first two sketches are Juri and Koto on stage, visibly pregnant and curious as to why the crowd is focusing their attention at them and not the fight. By the second sketch they full embrace their gravid status for the audience. I also included isolated shots of each girl from the first sketch to better show off their tummies.

Third we have Botan escorting an unruly spirit (or spirits!) to the afterlife, all be it in an unconventional manner.

Fourth is a POV and you're on route 110, your Torchic is low on HP and you run into May after months of not seeing her. This raises many questions, like why isn't her mudkip evolved yet? and so on.

Finally we have the Martian Queen Tyr'ahnee from Loony Tunes basking in her swollen, maternal state.

That's all for now!

Up next a finished commission this Sunday the 21st or earlier!





Great way to start the day is with some bonus belly sketches 👌

John Williams

If I had more money, I'd definitely be putting Tyr'ahnee on the monthly poll.


Man, Juri was one of the first pieces to get me hooked on your art.

Scott Fine

Man. Such good choices