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Hey everyone, I'm here with some bonus personal sketches I mentioned a few days ago.

These are just a few ideas I've been wanting to draw myself, so this time around I did four quick sketches to warm up.

First we have a very obese, butterball Samus denying any and all weight gain she's gone through recently. Second we have a curvy Elite 4 Lorelei and her not so pleased Lapras carrying her weight. Third we have a chunky Callie from Splatoon 2 blaming the Octolings for why she's packed on the pounds and finally Leaf/Green in her camo jacket and spats outfit from Pokemon Masters waddling around with a big full tummy and looking for her next meal.

And since this is labeled part 1 that means I'll be doing at least another batch of personal sketches sometime this month.

Up next Momo's sequence on the 10th for Medium Soda Patrons and above.




silas strand

That pokemon one tho


Before there was cynthia, there was lorelei. Also, love chonky callie.

Scott Fine

These are great!!

Scott Fine

I guess I forgot to add a suggestion this month. Oh well.


Don't worry Scott they're not suggestions, these are all personal doodles I wanted to do as warmups. Character suggestions will make a return March 1st.

Scott Fine

Ok. I thought it might’ve been something like that. Anyway these are all excellent choices


Lorelei? More like Lorebae.