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Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well. I'm here with February's first of the month update!

First and foremost I'd like to welcome back all active patrons and I hope you enjoy the free month! Just as a reminder that February will be a bit different with both the regular billing cycle and usual monthly rewards being put on hold until next month.

Come March 1st all standard rewards including but not limited to character suggestions, polls, patron sketches will make their return at that time.

January's Rewards:

Now onto the status of January's rewards. I've got the PC up and running, all my art programs installed, brushes set up and backup files transferred. Since these are January's rewards I'll uploading them like normal to their appropriate pledge tier and that goes for all art this month.

I've resumed working on Chell as of this morning and want to have her all done by Wednesday the 3rd.

As for Momo I aim to have her sequence all done on or before Wednesday the 10th.

After I complete both Chell and Momo, I'll upload the .psd files for all of January's rewards and the last 3 patron sketches with attachments for all patron sketches and bonus sketches for your convivence. I'll know exactly when that will be after Momo is done.

Commissions from August:

After I complete January's rewards, I'll be working on outstanding commissions from August. I have 5 left to complete and will continue to work on them in order of payment received. I'll be sending out WIPs to each commissioner as I make progress and ask for their feedback at that time.

My goal is to get at least 3 commissions done this month if not all 5.

Personal Art:

In addition to January's rewards and commissions I would like to dedicate a few days to working on some art for myself. It may be nothing more than some rough sketches in the spirit of the bonus sketches of the previous two months. Or if I find the time I may do one or two full color sketches or sequences.

That's all for now! I'd like to thank you for your generous support, it means so much to me and has helped immensely. 

Take care and stay safe. I'll see you guys back here in a few days with Chell!


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