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Hey everyone I’m here with an announcement regarding the rest of January’s art and February plans.

About a week ago my PC began acting up but i figured it was just a background update for Windows, unfortunately I was mistaken and the problem worsened in the past few days. After extensive trouble shooting (shout out to Tleb for helping tons) to find out why even the most minor task like drawing in sai or just opening file explorer would result in 100% disk usage, the hard drive stopped working and the Bios can’t even launch the partition now. Apparently it’s a big problem with Windows 10 and I tried about 12 different solutions to no avail.

So what does this mean? Well I backed up all current and past artwork on my external hard drive including this months are. but I don’t have a working PC at the moment. So Chell’s colored sketch, Momo’s sequence and bonuses as well as the last patron sketches will be delayed until I get my hands on a working PC.

Once I do I’ll resume the rest of January’s rewards ASAP. My ETA on getting a working PC is by the end of this weekend if everything goes according to plan. After which I’ll have Chell, the last sketches and then Momo done promptly.

So as compensation active Patrons will NOT be charged for February! So you're able to keep your pledge and all of Febraury will be free. I’ll be using February to catch up on January’s art and work on outstanding commissions from last August. And if I can find time I’ll draw some personal art too.

So that means there will be a pause on February’s rewards. Polls, patron sketches, ect will be put on hold. But there will still be plenty of art in February.

Come March 1st things will return to normal and patrons will be charged again.

I’ll keep you updated on the situation as things come in. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I’ll try my best to answer them as I’m on my phone so I’m still figuring out Patreon mobile.

Take care, stay safe and I’ll be back in a few days with another update.



Shit, I hope it all goes smoothly for you Metal! <3

Magnus Canis

Bust of luck to you, Metal! We’ll all be patient for you! It’s a blessing your art was saved, too!

Chris Smith

Oh wow, that does suck! Glad to see you are prepared though. Maybe it's fate trying to get you to take a break~


That sucks. Can you not just put a new hard drive in? Much cheaper than a new pc

Jon Kelley

Thanks for letting us know about this. I don't know if the boot loop I dealt with last month can really compare to this (spoiler alert, it can't), but I really hope in the end you can get your computer fixed.


Wish you luck. Also, will Patreon suggestion still be a thing at the start of next month?


Thanks SonicMania and any rewards for February will be paused as well. I'm going to finish January's outstanding art and work on some of the commissions I took in August, sprinkled with some personal art here and there. Come March 1st all will return to normal with character suggestions, the monthly polls, patron sketches, ect being rewards.