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Hey everyone, it's the 15th so I'm here with the mid-month update for December!

December's remaining schedule:

As this time I'm finishing up inking Ryuko and should have her all done later today, in about 10-12 hours from this post if not earlier.

Once Ryuko is all done I'll begin sketching Serleena, Yang and Cynthia. For Serleena and Yang, I have a pretty clear idea of what I'll be doing with them. As for Cynthia I'm still brainstorming where I want to go with her, but once I begin sketching things should fall into place. I'm debating still if I want to do a combination of sequence or just vanilla weight gain, I may just have to make several variations if I continue to be indecisive about her. 

I'll have these last 3 WIPs ready to share this Friday, the 18th. After that I'll have 3-4 more Full Combo patron sketches on Monday the 21st. 

My goal is to have Yang's sequence all done on the 24th, Serleena's color sketch done on the 27th and Cynthia's sequence all done early on the 31st or sooner. With the last of December's patron sketches and all Photoshop files following soon after on the 31st.

That's the schedule for the second half of December, I'll be back here later today with Ryuko all done and ready to share with you.

I hope you stay safe and have a great day!


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