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Hey everyone, happy Saturday! I'm here with October's second place winner Chel from Road to El Dorado in her 4 part vore sequence!

This one was super fun to work on and in particular I'm satisfied with how the third and fourth panels turned out. Sneaking in a fat booty shot and thunder thighs are always a plus.

For this sequence I contemplated several different story lines and after deliberation finally decided I wanted to try something more POV'ish, with her addressing us the viewer as she progresses through her binge eating. And by the final panel she's still not sated with all the people (and / or food) she's had and you're looking tasty...

Included are several alternative versions, one with her chowing down on food rather than priestess, shrine maidens and other female citizens. As well as sweaty endings for both the vore and stuffing versions. On top of all that a preg belly version of the first panel by itself.

Up next Rosalina's colored sketch on the 27th!

