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You never want to get between Erza and any amount of cake. You are what you eat, and if you eat Erza's cake stash... she'll eat you! It's the unspoken rules of gluttony.

Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well here is September's 1st place winner Erza Scarlet's colored sketch sequence!

For this sequence I wanted to have Erza wolfing down some chubby and audacious cake thieves comprising of her fellow mages. They know what she'd do if they were caught and yet they still went ahead and stole from her.

I decided for times sake and to show off as much tummy as I can to have the ladies in their bathing suits and end with Erza in one of her bunny girl outfits. For panel 2 with Lucy and Cana reacting to Mira being scarfed down, their rough expressions were taken from a screenshot I found. Something I learned while finding references is that the anime has so many cute and varied expressions for its female characters.

Alternative versions Included are a dialog free version, an isolated final panel for those not into vore and finally a pregnancy version of said panel.

I still want to do more for you guys since Erza won such an overwhelming amount of votes, but due to my schedule I can't get a bonus colored sketch done by today. Fret not I'll be working on said bonus colored sketch first thing tomorrow and have it done early next month. As for the rest of September, I'll be uploading the .PSD files ASAP and then the last 3 Full Combo Sketches this evening.





Don't see why she'd need to work off the weight; if anything, she looks MUCH sexier being this fat!

Chris Smith

Ahhhhhh, the Queen of the Fairies~ She looks absolutely breathtaking! Thank you so much for your artwork MetalForever! ❤❤❤


So happy with the result. Like I can’t express my feelings through typing but just know this goes into my all time favorites archive in my heart 🥰. Lose of words and just wow. Trying not to simp right now but🥵. Erza baby woah! Great work and I’ll bask in this moment. Ok calm down me it’s art. Well terrific job and other adjectives describing good jobs. Grateful for your style and for you as a person. Looking forward to the future man👊


You may be onto something Anonymouse :3c It was a verbatim quote from the Fairy Tail game that a friend showed me.