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September's round 2 runoff poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. With the bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!  

1st:  Erza Scarlet (with a whopping 105 votes!)

2nd: Powergirl (58 votes)

3rd: Makoto Niijima (52 votes)

4th: Princess Peach (51 votes)

5th: Futaba (40 votes)

This means Erza will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence, Powergirl a 3-4 panel colored sketch sequence, Makoto a 2-3 panel colored sketch sequence with Peach and Futaba being drawn as colored sketches! Unfortunately Leshawna only received 27 votes and thus was relegated for placing 6th.

Now for what kind of scenario I'll give each girl. For Erza I'm heavily initially inclined to do vore but maybe stuffing due to her love of cake and because I feel like Powergirl could work well with vore too. If I do pick vore for Erza I'll probably go with weight gain for Powergirl. I'll also consider any extras or bonuses I can do with Erza since she took such a commanding lead in the polls. I don't know much about Makoto so I'll have to do a bit more research on her. Princess Peach I'm thinking of doing a continuation of her stuffing image from last year and for Futaba I'm thinking might be a wild card much like Mai last month; she seems to work well with all kinds of belly types. I am kind of curious since both her and Makoto are from Persona if I can tie their sequence and colored sketch together.

Either way these are my initial thoughts and I'll have more concrete ideas when I start drawing and doing info diving in the coming days.

Thanks to everyone who participated! I will begin working on these pieces first thing tomorrow. I'll have both WIPs for Makoto & Futaba ready to share this Tuesday, the 8th along with 3-4 Full Combo sketches to share this Friday the 11th. But before all that I'll have a bonus image ready to share tomorrow. 

That's the rough plan for this upcoming week, stay safe and I'll see you guys tomorrow!


Scott Fine

Hey the character I suggested finally got into the finals!

Captain Rocko

Let Power Girl have 40 Cakes. LoL


*raises arms* Victory! My suggestion finally won 1st place! :D


For Makoto, I know it's not my place to make suggestions but a member of the P5 group is daughter to the owner of a fast food chain known as 'Big Bang Burger'. Just thought it might help.

Kenton Siddorn

actually that isn’t right Haru is the daughter of Big Bang burger Makoto is the younger sister of a lawyer who practices marshal arts


She ate 40 cakes. That's as many as four tens, and that's awesome. I'll have to scribble that down if I go with weight gain for her.


They didn't say Makoto was the daughter of the BBB chairman, though. So they were right.


Thank you, Sirvile. Sorry Kenton, I should've phrased that better and said 'ANOTHER member of the P5 group etc.'. Point is, easy access to fast food.

Kenton Siddorn

wouldn’t be wrong after all she is good friends with Haru so I’m sure she would of gotten a discount or possibly take care of the others so she can have Joker to herself


I'll keep a note of that Scryer :3c Given how things are shaping with her rough sketch, I might have to use something like that for Makoto.


It’s the Super Mario 35th so Peach should be stuffed with cakes


If you could and you could completely ignore this because I have no right to demand anything because it’s majority rules, I didn’t purchase nothing. But could you not fatten her face up. You can stuff her to the max or vore, pregnancy whatever. But she is main waifu to me and if you could keep her face thin looking. Or just take into consideration because again, I do not have any right to demand an idea or need my option listen to. Just saying this in hopes. You can completely ignore this too. In the end I’m just glad she won☺️👍🏽


I understand that she's your main waifu but that wouldn't be fair to everyone else Johnny. I'm all ears when folks want to help me by informing me of canonical expansion scenarios regarding characters I don't know much about, but I'm not going to change a picture to meet a patron's personal preferences. I know you said I can ignore this but I would like to make it clear going forward.