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August's round 2 runoff poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. With the bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!  

1st: Poison Ivy ( 95 votes)

2nd: Tatsumaki ( 65 votes)

3rd: Hatsune Miku (53 votes)

4th: Kefla (46 votes)

5th: Mai Sakurajima (39 votes)

This means Poison Ivy will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence, Tatsumaki a 3-4 panel colored sketch sequence, Hatsune Miku a 2-3 panel colored sketch sequence with Kefla and Mai being drawn as colored sketches! Unfortunately Peni only received 31 votes and thus was relegated for placing 6th.  

As for belly types, I'm strongly leaning towards vore ending in weight gain for Poison Ivy, given that she joked about eating Harley in one scene. I don't know anything about Tatsumaki, so for now I'm leaning towards vanilla weight gain for her and with Miku I'm leaning towards stuffing, specifically with pizza. For Kefla I'm thinking vore and / or weight gain for her and finally Mai is up in the air right now. I'll have to do a bit more research on these ladies in the coming days.

Thanks to everyone who participated, I will begin working on these pieces first thing tomorrow. As per usual this month's WIPs will be staggered as I make progress instead of posting them all mid month. I'll have both Mai & Miku's WIPs ready to share this Saturday, the 8th. On top of that I will have a special vore day bonus image or sequence sometime that day too, I haven't fully decided yet. Finally I should have 3 or 4 Full Combo sketches to share this Monday. 

That's all for now, take care and I'll see you guys this Saturday!



Yeah I was gonna say how perfect stuffing/weight gain would be for miku, given all her past tie-ins with food I'm sure would leave a big impact on her gut. Happy she got voted this far!

Captain Rocko

I'm curious, but didn't you say at some point you thought about doing inflation? Tasumaki is a psychic and floats around a lot, so seeing her inflated and trying to downplay that she's becoming a blimp would be her to a tee. This is just a suggestion, whatever you do will be golden. I will say one thing, Tasumaki may look like a little girl but she's actually 28 years old. (Oh Japan)

Andrew Fermor

Looking forward to see poison ivy and kefla


Will the people whose sketches are being posted Monday get them this weekend?


I'll have time Saturday and Sunday to work on them and should start sending them out Sunday and early Monday morning.