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Yo everyone it's July 1st, so this calls for the first of the month update! Also Happy Canada day too!

General News: 

I have one gift picture currently in the works that I began last month. I plan to finish up this first week of this month or so. It's a piece of art for a long time friend and artist who's birthday is in the middle of July. I also am brainstorming a few quick colored sketches for vore day (8/8) next month as well as one or two sketches featuring Ember & Cinder.

Commissions in August:

As I mentioned back in June, I plan to reopen commissions in the middle of August. 

I'm looking at re-opening in one and a half months, around August 15th and offering colored sketches like last time at the same prices. Here is the price sheet from January:  https://sta.sh/0mz4ftr8x7q 

Monthly Info:

Now as per usual this month's character poll will open 9am (PST) July 3rd for 24 hours and the run off poll will be on the 4th and conclude on the 5th. I will be able to tally the votes soon after and announce the winners later that day along with their belly combination. For those in the Big Burger and Full Combo tiers who want to suggest a character, you may do so by leaving it in the comments here or DMing me. The cutoff deadline for suggestions is an hour before the first poll goes live. See here for details on suggesting a character  https://sta.sh/09zy6woe8h7 

And a reminder that those in the Big Burger and Full Combo tiers who do not suggestion a character for the polls, you will receive one extra vote towards your choices in the polls.

Patrons in the Full Combo Tier may submit your monthly sketch ideas to me anytime now and I'll begin work on those as soon as I can. Check out the main page st.ash link or see it here  https://sta.sh/0rhcxb3hhiq as a refresher. 

Finally I would like to thank you for your wonderful support, I appreciate it greatly and it really means a lot to me <3

That's all the news I have for now, stay safe and be on the lookout for the first poll on the 3rd.