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April's second place is winner is here! Jill Valentine from the new Resident Evil 3 remake stuffing her face full of junk food. At this point she's no Jill sandwich, she's more of a Jill buffet. Is this the results of her becoming infected before she's cured? Too much running and dodging Nemesis? I'll let you decide.

I'm pretty satisfied with how this one turned out, the only thing I would change is the pose in the first panel. I sketched out Mirko and the rough Jill sequences around the same time so I must of had that pose in mind.

Included is a simple pregnancy alternative version, you can maybe imagine that Jill's appetite is insatiable due to her condition.

And now onto the 4th place winner, Alexis Rhode's colored sketch. I will have her finished sometime Saturday, followed by May's sequence next week, along with the last black and white sketches, and PSD files.





Great work for Jill Metal :) The last panel is impressive for her blushing with the hand placed on her belly sinking slightly in.


i love you


Oh god insane preg cravings love that idea for the alt, amazing work as always metal!


I half-expect the Nemesis to bust in and go for a belly rub!