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Here is April's 5th place winner, Vivi Nefertari in a colored sketch! I wrote a short description to help set the stage.

"Vivi full to the brim, waddles around heavily laden with her prey until she stops momentarily. Her engorged stomach begins to wriggle and emit a loud rumble. This is quickly followed by a small belch, her meal's hat flying out drenched in saliva at lightning speed. Her already softening body shakes from the force, her stomach in particular wobbles and sways briefly, with its contents loudly sloshing from side to side."

And with that, I'll see you guys Friday where I'll have the rest of this month's WIPs ready to share.




Great work Metal! :D Really digging yea doing One Piece characters. Wonder who she ate? Also liked the descriptive story for her pic in the bio :)


Oh right her! That would make it even more interesting since she could make Vivi's belly go downward even more


Thanks dude! and to respond to your other comment; a friend told me when I was almost done that Ms. Valentine could change her weight. So maybe a missed opportunity but you can imagine Vivi's tummy is still quite heavy :3

Andrew Fermor

I really like it when artists add a bit of story to their vore art. Awesome work metal