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Howdy! In my next video I’m gonna be in a discord call with some crazyass shenanigans going down. Pranks, FBI calls and other questionable stuff goes down…


There is almost always that one person…in the call…who literally just plays videogames throughout the entire thing, doesn’t even react to the drama everyone else is going through. The gamer headphones are on, but the head empty.

I am looking for that person.

~Guidelines PLS read~

  • DO NOT ENTER IF you get sad when you lose a raffles n stuff :,) I just need to fill a blank space. Plus, there will be more (maybe even better?!) opportunities in the future! (and I will also make a video about sore losers someday, you dont wanna be in it lmao)
  • Comment the animal you want to see in this video (feel free to describe their accessories, appearance quirks, etc) Can also link an OC if they fit the setting
  • Same as when I drew patreons for my “Friends” video, the character needs to fit the universe, so they will be a simple, silly little critter. Also, keep in mind their role in the video.
  • They’ll deadass just sit there in the corner with a headset and do nothing
  • Deadline: 1st of December !

I will privately message the lucky patreon and discuss details. 




I feel the most brain empty animal is the majestic pigeon staring blankly head empty.

Kailey Kairo

In honor of my head-empty boys: a ferret


I too vouch for a silly ferret


I feel like a Chameleon is the answer for this for obvious reasons haha