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Hey guys, I am going to be making a notice regarding how the next upcoming months is going to play out! As always, let me take the time to say thank you for always supporting me on this platform for the past 1-2 years or so. Many of you have stuck since day one and I really appreciate it, it means a lot to have dedicated fans of my work.

So the following months I am going to be changing things up for the sake of my health and my overall art practices (which were not very healthy to begin with).

I am going to try going back to my roots and do drawings/sketches a bit more 'lighthearted'. Not worrying about linework, colors, proportions, overall fundamental stuff and just letting my art shine like how it used to. My aim is to just have fun with art, and that could mean me not doing sets/variations, more sketchwork, not finishing stuff, messy details, etc.

I feel that as of recent, art has become a stressful chore for me and its most definitely showing in my illustrations and productivity, as I have been drawing less and less. I do not want that, its not good for me, you, or anyone for that matter. I still love art and everything about it, and I know deep down this is not a 'art block' or a need for a 'break'; but rather just losing sight of what originally got me into art in the first place and going through the motions. I must break this cycle of loathing and self-deprecation of being inadequate. If I am having fun with my art again, it'll show and in turn, be better for you guys as well.

So I plan on just drawing whatever comes to mind, it could be sloppy, boring, and it most definitely could be more degenerate depending on how I feel. This could be said in the opposite direction too, I may do more SFW, very pretty illustrations. Some months may have a crud-ton of drawings, and some may not have much at all. The aim of all this is to just 'let go', and not care about things like fundamental skills, algorithms, judgement, and so forth.

I am going to try to have a lot more fun with art this upcoming times, and I hope to see you stick around as well. If this turns you away as there's no guarantee I will deliver what you want, I completely understand. I hope you can still enjoy what I post on my Twitter, Pixiv, etc as that is a free platform to view my works.




Do what's best for you in the long run and for your mental health too. Looking forward to what may come in the coming months


Ky, I don't speak for everybody but I will speak on for myself to say honestly find yourself again no matter how king it takes, hell I ain't leaving cause I enjoy supporting finding where you are and revisiting/reignited a passion can be hard pursue it the best you can and if you need support please I beg, ask away don't force yaself to do something as to give back because of supporters and feel you need to, most of us support cause we like your art/Cosplays, supporting what you do what you enjoy if it ends up being impossible hell alright next chapter: what can I do to help/support.