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You can tell by the call log (text above panel) that I started this comic early last year. Oof. I used to bat these things out (until I got meticulous, thanks, brain). 

I keep WIP comics on one side of my drawing table along with the current cycle of WIP commissions. If the commissions hit a snag or the ink isn't dry on a section or I'm avoiding a difficult bit of drawing I'll pick a comic up and add a few pencil scribbles, lettering or ink lines to break things up and clear my head 9and sometimes anxiety). Then I tend to put them down someplace where they'll get buried under paper and reference and then my out-of-sight-out-of-mind mind forgets they exist. And they "disappear" for some time. Sometimes I try to make notes about their existence so I can rescue them. New comics are still back-burner stuff, unfortunately, but eventually I nudge a Fun Strip or a short comic into the loading zone. This one might be done tonight, I hope. 

I'll post the raw inks (contrast up high) as soon as I finish. I still have to clean these things up for eventual print (digital or otherwise). I don't have time right now with everything going on (and my OCD kicks in really hard when I try to clean something up digitally, omg) so its raw inks for the time being. Between the paper I used and my bad drawing habits there's a lot of messiness on the page owing to numerous uses of Pentel pen correction ink, hopefully they won't look too cruddy.

Here's a link to the Patreon post featuring the first Cat help comic:




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