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I finished a pinup while working on commissions and decided to put it on eBay to see what happens. testing the market while considering what to price future commissions when the list opens up again later this year. It comes with the usual extras. 

Auction listing is at: https://www.ebay.com/itm/255672402043

There's a couple of other listings on the off chance anyone's looking for Yokai Watch or Fisher-Price stuff. Haven't had time to put any listings up lately but there's still plenty -- ye gods, puh-lenty -- of collectibles we're still going to cull. Soon, I hope. 

Listings: https://www.ebay.com/sch/chimpanzo_rex/m.html?item=255672402043&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2562

Back to the drawing board. Working on commissions, the last Winky card order, two Winky drawings for my nephews. Also still slowwwly trying to finish up a long-sitting two-page "Cat Help" comic and a one-page autobio/childhood comic for the Patreon/"Dork 12". 

More soon later.



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