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The Milk & Cheese resin figurines will drop tomorrow at 7PM EST on the H&H Toys site: https://www.hhtoyco.com 

The drop notice will go forth from the H&H Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/hh_toys_inc

There's some additional good news, and some bad news. 

First, the bad news. Apparently there will be less than the promised 50 sets dropping tomorrow, due to manufacturing issues. Which sucks. The precise number of sets available will be made known when the drop takes place (I think the drop will be down about ten sets). I'm actually foregoing my comp figures for the time being so we can make every set that exists available for customers for the first drop. 

I still don't have a set price from H&H but I'm assuming things are still on track for the approximated $36 I've mentioned before. 

The good news -- and I'll quote Sam Heimer of H&H here -- is that "we should have another few dozen (sets) ready to go within the next few weeks." So, yay and all that, another drop should happen asap, and that's not counting the planned glow in the dark release. 

I hope the figures can be made available for everyone who wants one in the long run. I have no idea how feasible that is as this is a DIY, hand-pulled set, nothing's running off an assembly line except the box stickers. So, we'll see how it goes. We're expecting the drop to disappear pretty quickly, which sucks for everyone's chances but is good for securing future drops. If they don't move, more don't get made.

Again, tomorrow, on Instagram, the drop will be announced and orders will start to be taken at the website at 7 PM EST. Good luck if you are going to try to snag a set for yourself. Like I said, I really hope everyone who wants a set can eventually get their hands on one. Thanks!



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