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Just a quick note to let folks know that recent mail orders have been backed up, everything will go out as soon as the car repairs are done and we have full use of the car. We're dealing with a lot, the unexpected repair bill to meet inspection meant I had to do a lot of hustling up funds to cover everything. Recent book and art packages will go out as soon as things are settled and we can get on top of everything. Apologies for the delay.

I also am learning to adapt to a new computer, and, slowly, work with a new Photoshop clone. To illustrate how life is here, Sarah bought me a new computer to replace my dying old model. It's been sitting in the house since around January, maybe longer, things are so stupid she wasn't able to get the computer installed until a few days ago. 

I lost some time to a round of paperwork for a thing I have no confidence in but you do what you have to do hoping others will do what they say they'll do. It's not a comic book thing. I have a number of commissions on my drawing table, I'm almost done with the recreations of two lost commissions from a couple of years ago that really clogged things up (the M&C/Kitaro and a Fun Strip recreation -- of a recreation!). I spent some time trying to get paid for something, fortunately that went pretty smoothly. Sarah's been on the phone with insurance companies, need I say more, other than like I experienced when I went into the hospital for an emergency dental thing, apparently the health industry is built on everyone telling you something different so you have to do everything three times, or find out you're not covered for whatever it was you were assured you were covered for, etc. The kid's been to the dentist three times this month. The walks back and forth to the mechanic when I drop or pick up the car are getting tougher to do the older I get, I've started doing some light exercise and meant to do some yard work to get some air in my lungs but that stopped when things got dumb. I can't talk about some stuff, just like everyone has stuff they can't talk about, but summer's been a time.

The positive thing is that rather than react the Dork #7 way (fold up into a ball and fall apart), I'm dealing and coping and doing. Thanks to therapy and just thinking differently and understanding that you have to do what you have to to and realize everything is temporary. I managed to hustle up the money for the holy shit car repair (we simply can't look for a new used car right now, so, yeah, time is money and all that) which is at least something. I'm enjoying drawing and doing pretty good considering the hand issues. People have been responding to the card drawings and art and book offers with enthusiasm. I heard some nice news about a reprint project for next year (doubt it'll make money but it's nice to have plans) and I've got a series of very cool, if minor,  announcements coming up soon (not comics, but comics-adjacent).

Instead of feeling hopeless and curling up, I'm working through this stuff to get through it, catch up, and, most likely, prep for the next financial mess. That's freelancing. As long as we can get through these patches there's always the chance of something breaking. And that goes double for anything thrown at the family outside of work and money. I sleep with crossed fingers, like many folks. 

Will be posting WIP on a number of commissions in a few days, and am working on a new comic strip, something that's been sitting but almost done after I got the Nerd Doctor and the Kermit pages done. A sort of dry run for the future memoir project. I have some Fun Strips gridded up to work on, and a second Cat Help comic and some odds and ends to post when they're ready. 

I've also been asked to talk about some of my school history since I mentioned cursing out a teacher in class a few posts ago. I'm remembering more of my school antics and it's amazing I made it through high school considering I got tossed out of uh, 1...2...3  -- 3 SCHOOLS, AH, AH, AHHH! Three schools. Wait...it's kind of 4, actually. I got thrown out of an SVA after-school animation class. Well, I was removed by my mom before they could throw me out of P.S. 251, so maybe it's technically still 3. Good gosh. I'm not proud. But I have some decent stories of youth gone koo-koo.

I had a benefit illustration that had to get done which I finished around 11 a.m. today. I got a few hours sleep and have to buy groceries, I took the car back from the garage while the parts are on order so Sarah could take Ace for a dental appointment. I have to go buy groceries before bringing it to the garage tomorrow. I don't know if I will get packages into the mail before the garage, but I'll get everything out to customers once the car's back and things have settled. These past few years I can really understand why some folks live close to family. Or get a 9-5. 

Anyway. I'm not complaining, just explaining! Everything will get done. Talk/type soon!



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