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Wrapping up the latest arc, which I am really happy with. Look at that beautiful cover by series artist Benjamin Dewey! Love this series, honestly do. Sarah and I did the variant, which I'm pretty happy with, but Ben killed it. I've never been great at covers, at least not "straight" covers. I like the way the DORK covers were looking, and the two Eltingville covers. I'm okay at that sort of thing. I don't do good "poster" work when drawing in my "straight genre" style. Or whatever the hell I should call it. 

I'm not sure when we'll be back with the next set of stories, but they're locked in, four one-shots focusing on different characters and events, two Burden Hill stories, a flashback Wise Dogs story (which would be a crossover with another creator's characters) and a tall Christmas tale told by Pugs. I have a short list of folks I'd like to have do the other three (if Benjamin isn't able to do one), but it's all up in the air because, frankly, sales haven't been fantastic and the budget is something being dickered over. So, hopefully we'll be figuring that stuff out while I take the breather from that sort of thing. But we'll be back, I'm sure, one way or another. 

Oh, the HC collection of Occupied Territory is scheduled for Nov 3rd. I think it can be pre-ordered now. Hint hint.

NOW I'm going to sleep. 



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