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Work has been a mess from everything that's been going on but the antibiotics and painkillers have kicked in and my impacted wisdom tooth isn't hurting as badly as before. I got some drawing done last night, despite the Pirate Girl walking over my drawing board, getting in my lap, biting my pencil, knocking art supplies onto the floor. She's a swell cat but a lousy intern. 

Unfortunately, Sarah won't be able to color this for next week because she ended up in a dentist's office with an emergency of her own yesterday, so we are continuing to be dentally impaired. On the plus side, she changed our insurance and managed to get to see a dentist immediately so she was able to have some initial work done and she should be in less pain when she gets up today. We have more options and the work she had to get done, with x-rays, cost less than my x-rays from the emergency hospital visit on Tuesday . Hopefully I can go to the new dentist after my infection is treated with the antibiotics to get a referral for the wisdom tooth extraction if they can't do it themselves. At least I have all my anxiety medicine under control after seeing my psychiatrist in person for the first time in a year.  But then I threw my back out and hurt my arm getting a heavy appliance box up our stairs. UPS left it on the sidewalk and didn't even bother to let us know it was there. Woo-hoo! This week has been something, and it ain't over yet, Hope you're all well.



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