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I Fell Down the Stairs

We did our lettering revisions for MARVELS: SNAPSHOTS FF while Ben Dewey's finished art was coming in and then the colors came in and everything was sent out  with no time to spare so the book will ship on time for March 25th. That was a real goocher.

Blackwood #2 comes out next week, Veronica and Andy Fish finished up the last art touches and an extra page for #4 this past week and we all ran through the pages a couple of times and fixed whatever needed to be fixed so that's a series all finished up. 

The secret project that recently went ahead went way too fast ahead so I'm finishing up a cover and a script this week/next week and then I'm straight into another cover and another script and somehow I'm hoping to do a script for another thing in-between some of that other stuff. 

I almost finished that goddamned Marvel villains piece but I goofed up Ronan the Accuser and the Destroyer and the effing Stilt-Man of all idiots, and then realized Klaw's sonic hand thingamajig was out of proportion. I fixed the thingamajig. I want that thing so done now.

I fell down the stairs! 

I got some work done on commissions but not as much as I'd have liked. Or you'd have liked, if you're one of the nice people who are waiting on those. They'll get done, I promise.

I just sent in the paperwork for my attending a convention as a guest. This is the first time I've signed the vaunted guest agreement for an appearance. It's weird to actually sign a contract to show up at a convention. We should be announcing that fairly soon. They want me to send in a headshot. I don't want to. But it's in the contract!

It looks like I'll be doing a signing in Manhattan on the 25th for the Marvels comic. It's being set up. Thankfully, they don't want a headshot.

Man, am I glad that Emerald City Con turned me down as a potential guest because they said they were full-up. At least that's what they said. Still, that turned out for the best.

I fell down the stairs! It really hurt! 

May or June. We'll see. That's cryptic on purpose.

It looks like the next Beasts of Burden series won't come out until Spring of next year. The Marvels thingie busted up the schedule, even though Ben Dewey's a friggin' Iron Man and has been chugging away on both projects almost simultaneously. He's drawing #3, the #4 layouts just came in as well.  I'm bummed mostly because I really want folks to see this stuff. I'm really happy with how it's all coming together.

I have fallen down every flight of stairs in our house. Some more than once. I fell down the longest stretch of steps while holding our daughter when she was a baby. Luckily I cradled her in my arms and rode it out on my back. I fell down concrete steps with the car seat, before she was born, and tore a nice patch of skin off my arm. I hurt my drawing arm very badly one time, slipping and falling down the same stairs I took the trip on the other night. That last time I hit the steps after a banana peel-like slip with my arm caught beneath my back. That one was a holy terror, I was holding Sarah's winter jacket and didn't have my arms out to brace the fall. This time I just fell backwards fairly cleanly and slid down the stairs with my head bonking the steps after the rest of me got the treatment. I have a bad headache and lost a day's work. I was too banged up to move much. My neck and back were cracking and popping when I moved like I busted a soda bottle inside me and the glass was still being worked out. And now my sleep schedule's really wrecked -- it's a little after 11 a.m. and when I finish this I'm going to bed. Yeesh. I tell you, falling down the stairs is a young man's game. Just like comics. I'm too old for either.

I finally got the cartoon done for episode 11 of our Tear Them Apart podcast, which went live two weeks ago or whatever. Who knows. Time is meaningless when you fall down the stairs.

And guess what? I fell down the stairs!

I'll try to get to the freebie art stuff asap. I'm also hoping we can announce the secret project soon so I can get some process stuff up. What the heck do you folks want to see more of, anyway? I can dig for old material, but there's a lot of it. I'll be happy to take requests to help guide what I post.  

Thanks for still being here. I'll try not to fall down the you-know-what again anytime soon. Fuckin' ouch. 


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