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Hey, folks. Couple of quick notes about a few things while I can't sleep.

First off, I know most -- if not all of you -- follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter, and are familiar with the drawings I do on index cards while I'm watching bad movies or waiting for something to print, depressed, bored, whatever. 

Anyway, I'm going to give at least a dozen of them away to folks who back the Patreon, picked at random like the October giveaway we had when we launched. some of them will be from the "Wrong Spider-Man" series (seen above, index card only, you don't get the Spider-Man Omnibus I use for the title!), some will be from the "depression series", a few would just be random drawings. I'll need to scan them all first and then it'll probably happen in early March. 

I'll likely send out more than a dozen. They'll fit in plain envelopes so I can toss Forbidden Planet bookmarks with our robot/monster art in with them. So, there's that.

Otherwise, things are nuts, as usual, any bit of positive news has been balanced by a financial emergency, it seems like that's just how things are going this past year. We're all done on our end of the MARVEL SNAPSHOTS: FF project, which is nearing the finish line to make next month's shipping date. It's been a very cool experience, but then one of our checks got held up owing to the "Disney system" and that's made things messy for us. Today (if I ever go to sleep and get up like a human) I start the first script for a new four-issue mini-series, which I'm pretty excited about and can't wait to see announced. I'm also going to start writing a new BEASTS OF BURDEN project, as well. And we also have four covers to do. So, there's work on the table, and the promise of income, but we're still on fumes and scrambling all the time to try to catch up. We still don't have an oven, and we're going to be without a car soon, which is a goocher of epic proportions to deal with while everything is going on. We have the bad luck of living in the only NYC borough where you really need to have a car. We're hoping things can get worked out asap. Oy!

Some news:

- BEASTS OF BURDEN: NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH is going to go into a second printing.  

- BOOM! Studios is putting the BILL & TED ARCHIVES out in a paperback edition in June (collecting the Marvel run I wrote/penciled). Obviously to coincide with the third movie. 

- The first BLACKWOOD collection will be published in a Polish edition, due pretty soon.

- The 11th episode of the horror movie podcast I do with my friend Paul Yellovich was posted yesterday. We saw COLOR OUT OF SPACE with some friends, and had a fun night, despite seeing COLOR OUT OF SPACE. Yeah. Here's the link: https://tearthemapartpodcast.home.blog/ 

- Benjamin Dewey's finishing up the Marvels Snapshots art this week (it's scheduled to ship on March 25th), and has also completed the first two issues of the next BEASTS OF BURDEN series Sarah and I wrote together (OCCUPIED TERRITORY). He's done layouts for most of the next two issues, and I think we have three covers in, as well.  Ben's doing beautiful work on the books, I think this will be a really fun series and I can't wait for it to come out.  We also have artists for the variant covers, and we're excited about that. if you have to have variants, at least have nice ones. I'm hoping the series will be scheduled for later this year, fingers crossed. I'd like to see new Beasts stuff out this year and keep that going. it's possible we may have a one-shot ready for the end of the year, if things go according to plan.

- BLACKWOOD: THE MOURNING AFTER #2 ships on March 11th, with a variant by Andrew MacLean. Veronica and Andy Fish are finishing up the interiors to #4, which I think they added an extra page to. I really enjoyed working on this second arc now that we've gotten a better handle on some aspects of the series. I want to dive back in as soon as schedules allow.

- I've been invited to two conventions this year. If it all works out, that's two more conventions than I did last year! The east coast one seems definite, the west coast one is still up in the air. We shall see. More plane trips. Hmmm. 

- I should have some commissions done pretty soon, I'm adding lines whenever I can. And I also should be finishing up that ridiculous Marvel villains piece sometime this week. It's just about there. Don't know if anyone will meet the asking price, but, at least it'll be done. 

- I saw six dogs, one squirrel and a robin on my way to therapy yesterday. Therapy's been really helpful for me since I started up again recently, especially since I like my (third) therapist a lot. Unfortunately, the office is moving to a location on Staten Island I cannot walk to (well, I could, but it would take like four hours and I'd collapse after 45 minutes), so, aargh, that sucks just a bit with the car business being what it is. 

- I'm going to be putting more art up  soon, the Blackwood variant cover, the Black Hammer/Colonel Weird variant, trying to find some different stuff. We found a Sue Storm pin-up I did a few years ago in a pile of papers, that looks pretty cute. Anyway, if you win the lottery, buy some lines on paper I made if you feel like it. 

More stuff soon. I better go to sleep, it's after 10 a.m. Post-project adrenaline + anxiety + fear + script ideas  = super insomnia. Yup.



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