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Hey, have a new Fun Strip. 

This is the straight inks, if I knew how to use photoshop like an adult I'd clean up the rough spots, center the caption in panel 3, and swap panels 2 and 3 so the dates were in order. 

Sometimes the strips have bugs which get smoothed out digitally by Sarah, they all have elements that need basic cleaning, stray marks, irregular border lines, you name it. She doesn't have a ton of time so I'm not gonna bug her unless it's something egregious. 

And maybe someday I'll learn how to clean things up digitally  like a real cartoonist -- I can erase a few things kinda-sorta decently sorta but that's pretty much it (and sometimes I micromanage every pixel, which is why Sarah says I shouldn't mess with this kind of thing, I'll sift the sand in every drawing for hours)



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