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Every single project I told myself "This'll be done soon so I can just upload that" and then I just get distracted by a different project the next day. Blegh!! With so much stuff at varying levels of completeness I just need to put them all together and share what I've been working on for the past 2 weeks

One note for each piece going in order:

-Theres gonna be a follow up pose to this starting one with flip showing off their tablet, pose matching the exact same way they are getting wrecked by some OC. Not sure who I'll use but I'll find someone

-This comm is on its way to being done and is currently my top priority, I've been fighting a really obnoxious bout of artblock with its internal specifically and finally just brute forced it into lookin good enough. Thankfully the shading is coming out great and overall this one should slap

-Animation is next biggest priority after the gryphon comm, getting things set up to insert the winning character there

-I have had goo brainrot, and I was given a friends oc to try and make a little eviler and demony to indulge my rot. I have stupid ideas for expanding this out into a set of doodles covering flip applying to a demon subscription service online and getting exactly what she paid for

-Was going to go and get that proto comic I did lined and colored, but havent had any strong feelings for how to color in the proto and other projects took precedent

-Likewise this art trade comm for Domi is something I open up and work on its lineart, but I end up putting it down to work on commission stuff first

-And lumping all of the emotes together, I had a strong push to get them all sketched before february ended and its primarily the cause of the large gap as I didnt think people would want like 6 wip posts of just emotes in a row, and I thought I'd have something else finished quick enough I could just wait until I polish them fully to make posts at all. Alas, I *didnt* finish anything fully to post and the gap got longer and longer til we got here now!

I have two other smaller things going up today (once I get approval from a commissioner on the final piece) where I'm testing a new brush and style. After that the gryphon piece should be next, follow up by emotes and more updates to the animation. Sorry for the awkward pause inbetween months, I did not win against my adhd and this many wips is the result

Note for myself in the future: Do a post like this on the last day of each month just to cover everything being touched on and what point of development its at so we dont get stupid quiet gaps like this nearly as often >,>



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