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How about instead of rambling about silly things I talk about the piece a bit? That'd be neat.

So! Whenever I've done comms I've had two tiers, flat n' sketchy / lined n' shaded. This piece (and another soon :tm:) are both lined n' shaded, and like, the only two of that tier i've taken in ages.

Yeah uh, I started getting self concious about how I did some shading on the flat comms, and didnt want someone to feel like they got less than those people- so I started just... shading everything? Bad idea- especially because when this comm came around I had NO idea how to differentiate. My method was to try and just, put together a very solid pose that has some perspective and 3d feel to it- and polish the FUCK out of it. I think it worked!

Both char's got light sections done ontop of just shaded areas, which, doesent sound like a lot but helps a ton in making the shading job far richer overall.  Im really happy with the glowy liquidy effect goin on with the goo zone- it was kind of a mess until it kind of just... worked? Pog. And I have a phase in pieces I ~sometimes~ do where I go overtop the lineart and add fur tufts beyond those lines. Its a small detail but adds a lot to both the soft feel and the time drawing takes. To really seal the ~premium~ feel I wanted with this I even went through and tried doing some fur texturing in flat areas instead of just at the edges. Its not *perfect* but im pretty happy with it and want to experiment with doin it more.

Last little notes I have lookin at it:
-I wanted more / punchier pred dialogue, but I didn't plan out where it would go during sketching and found I had too little room for most words to fit. Didnt wanna overlap the actual art.
-I really should learn actual backgrounds, and I do sometimes paint some- but I think I'm still too uncertain of their quality / price-to-time ratio to offer them in upcoming comms. I think those'll stay exclusive to my YCH offerings that need them.
-I like the square white watermark I have here. Idk if others will feel its obtrusive, but I used it in my blu deer YCH animation and really just like how it feels.
-Im happy with how this internal came out overall, and this slightly different take on doing internals has been super refreshing. It lets me do my 4th wall breaks, uses far less space, and is much more recogniseable as a classic style internal

ok thats enough words, I had my Adderall today so I guess I was feeling wordy. Im too lazy to go back and fix the copious amounts of typos and mispellings I currently see patreon yelling at me to fix so lmao oops

Ty again patrons, you make it so I can afford food and thats kinda awesome ;w;




Tbh i like the soft bgs you do, always makes it look like a nice soft room or big pillow they're on.